Mário Carneiro
Mário Carneiro
This is being a real nuisance here for me too. What do we need to get this merged?
This is also happening to me.
I believe this symptom may be due to the issue discussed in https://github.com/ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags/issues/289
The snippet above from @rzane does not work for me, but this did ```lua require('nvim-test.runners.rspec'):setup { command = "bundle", } ``` (figured it out from https://github.com/klen/nvim-test/blob/main/lua/nvim-test/runners/rspec.lua#L28)
Hi. I could enter my user and password, but it kept asking me my mfa codes (which I didn't even had enabled). I enabled mfa in evernote, and still it...
https://github.com/dctrwatson/znc-fish/pull/10/commits this pull request seems to fix the issues