No I dont't want to change my device, only my simcard. Anyway there is an option to im- and export settings and chathistory in loqui, over the webIDE with "App.importData()",...
Ok, being here, i realized, that with loqui I can set up two whatsapp accounts. So my question, whether it is possible or not to change numer with loqui is...
same with fxos 2.1 especially media messages are sometimes even shown as not being sent
the button for audio messages is unfortunetly still to small, or what about a sign if you are sure to delete the made audio?
the problem is, that some messages are stamped when they are received by my phone, the real stamp seems not to exist or gets overwritten by the new one.
strange, I'm using the latest build
By the way, loqui doesn't delete your profile picture, when you click on the little 'x' beside the profile picture in the settings.
The background? I didn't know it is possible to add a background xD
ah ok, good to know xD
Is there some way to delete the profile picture?