我在edge中添加了如下,就可以使用了 // click `Save` button to make above settings to take effect. api.addSearchAlias('z', '知乎搜索', 'https://www.zhihu.com/search?type=question&q=','s'); api.mapkey('oz', '#8打开知乎搜索栏', function() { api.Front.openOmnibar({type: "SearchEngine", extra: "z"}); }); 但是在chrome中添加会报错如下,有知道怎么解决的吗 [SurfingKeys] Error found in settings:...
> 就是chrome上的插件自动更新后弹出的,重装surfingkey后就解决啦。
> > 我在新版本添加后,失败了。感谢你的回答,谢谢 > > 正常现象(从0升到1版时更换了不少关键词),换回旧版即可。或者参考[这里](https://github.com/brookhong/Surfingkeys/wiki/Migrate-your-settings-from-0.9.74-to-1.0)修改代码。 有修改好的可用代码吗?求
Look at this config,,do you confirm that your email was set to support SMTP but not POP/IMAP? you should set the gmail to support SMTP or change to another email...