我指git代码合并问题. 没合并好, python语法错了. 还有其他几个文件也是这样 I mean it's the git merge problem. The code synax is broken. check line 11 https://github.com/wuxinwang1997/wheatdetection/blob/using-loss/tools/train_net.py
This should already be supported by now . Going to close the issue
* "Paste as Text" 直接贴文本进去。 * kubeconfig里只放一个命名空间的配置。 * 我们用的时候,也是一个kubeconfig只有一个namespace下权限,没出现啥问题。看着这种报错还是集群权限不太对
The main problem is private network. It's out of the boundary of nocalhost plugin. However there are some approach you can try: 1. Compile on your local machine. When in...
you can config your own image as you want 自己填需要的镜像就行.
刷新服务器凭据和信息的,不登陆服务器版本,用不到。2024.1 版本给注释掉了。
looks good