Tian-yi Liang

Results 11 comments of Tian-yi Liang

What's the input? Free and multiple view images or single images?

after using the new write function,I encounter another problem. i try to run the demo ``` import scipy.ndimage scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation(model.data.copy(), output=model.data) model.write('dilated.binvox') ``` the error is that > UnicodeEncodeError: 'gbk' codec...

binvox_rw io in decor-gan plays well and you can refer to this repository. @zougougou > @tianyilt 请问你是否解决了这个问题,能告诉我一下解决方法吗

I faced the same problem,so that I gave up this package last year. Is there any idea to fix it? I had to change it into ndarray with NumPy to...

refer to https://github.com/RameenAbdal/StyleFlow/issues/28 make sure DISPLAY and --gpus all is right

Dockerimage:pytorch/pytorch:1.4-cuda10.1-cudnn7-runtime download and run https://developer.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/10.1/Prod/local_installers/cuda_10.1.105_418.39_linux.run ```bash export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-10.1/bin:$PATH export CPATH=/usr/local/cuda-10.1/include:$CPATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-10.1/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH pip install -r requirement.txt pip install PyOpenGL PyOpenGL_accelerate apt install libgl1-mesa-glx ```

感觉主要是我当初放的文件 安装包 xmind之类的, 我这周想办法把他们换到稳定的外链,然后git内删除缓存. 不知道有没有自动化的方法, 不然感觉得咕咕咕好久(不是

> 超星的下载是不是公开的?而且支持使用多久?

> > > 感觉主要是我当初放的文件 安装包 xmind之类的, 我这周想办法把他们换到稳定的外链,然后git内删除缓存. 不知道有没有自动化的方法, 不然感觉得咕咕咕好久(不是 > > > > > > 其实就是LFS的思路,稳定外链的话超星可能算一个,上传的Shell脚本我也已经写完了,但是如果要便于同学上传下载还是需要做成一个成熟稳定的工具,甚至不能是一个简单的py script > > CLI我在做了(咕咕咕······ > > CLI的话 我觉得除了cs的同学以外 根本不会用的 甚至估计很多cs的学生也不会用的 确实,我看同类项目好像也不是这样搞的,都是直接ban掉这种大的附件。感觉要好用估计就是鼠标点点点的QT,感觉工作量有点大,而且功能定义还有待商榷。