James Coding

Results 16 issues of James Coding

Now sure how to use the v3.0 in the asynctask with coroutines

Tap the “Filter” option. Select the “Rotate” filter. Select the “Flip Vertical” filter. Repeat step 4 and 5 until the app crashes.

It not working well with the latest version of the bootstrap select. if you using ng-option like this: ng-options="c.text for c in timeUnit track by c.value" This piece of code...

Not sure what causes the following issue Does anyone have a clue? android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #7: Binary XML file line #7: Error inflating class com.stfalcon.frescoimageviewer.drawee.ZoomableDraweeView Caused by: android.view.InflateException:...

This is what I'm doing ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2152278/62502020-529b3880-b7a2-11e9-8887-c99d41059f50.png) It doesn't work after the value changed.

What is the point to validate the hidden inputs?

Where is the call stacks com.sandrios.sandriosCamera.internal.manager.impl.Camera1Manager.getPhotoSizeForQuality (Camera1Manager.java:207) com.sandrios.sandriosCamera.internal.ui.camera2.Camera2Activity.getPhotoQualityOptions (Camera2Activity.java:64) com.sandrios.sandriosCamera.internal.ui.BaseSandriosActivity.onCameraControllerReady (BaseSandriosActivity.java:132) com.sandrios.sandriosCamera.internal.ui.SandriosCameraActivity.setCameraPreview (SandriosCameraActivity.java:112) com.sandrios.sandriosCamera.internal.ui.BaseSandriosActivity.updateCameraPreview (BaseSandriosActivity.java:427) com.sandrios.sandriosCamera.internal.controller.impl.Camera2ControllerAPI24.onCameraOpened (Camera2ControllerAPI24.java:133) com.sandrios.sandriosCamera.internal.controller.impl.Camera2ControllerAPI24.onCameraOpened (Camera2ControllerAPI24.java:28) com.sandrios.sandriosCamera.internal.manager.impl.Camera1Manager$1$1.run (Camera1Manager.java:71)

How to add an image layer with an entire image? I know by using map type you can add image tiles with zoom, x, and y. However, I only have...

I have two clusters and I only want always two clusters on the map. so I want to make sure minimumClusterSize get increased after a new marker add to it....


I tried to split them into different steps like -step: name:xxx script: However, it doesn't work for new step