Tianran Wang

Results 5 comments of Tianran Wang

@noranart You've trully saved my day! I got mbox_loss==0 bacase I set all difficults to 1. Now the problem is fixed. Thank you a lot.

@SongLongZhang This problem happens in several cases: 1. negetive values in bndbox 2. float values in bndbox 3. too many 1 in difficult 4. base_lr is too large (not so...

@MhLiao Thank you for your help. I've checked all my labels and changed the sequence of vertexes into clockwise but still have this problem. Any ideas?

@YefeiGao Are there any requirements for the sequence four vertexes in xml file? Like in clockwise or counterclockwise?

@xiaomaxiao Thank you for your reply. I think what you said is like below right? ``` rpn_conv1 is [batchsize=1,32,32,512] lambda_1 (Lambda) = (1x32,32,512) Bidirectional(LSTM(128,return_sequences=True), =128 +128 = 256 =>(1x32,32,256) lambda_2...