
Results 3 comments of 天河

看了这个问题,偷偷的回复一句:) 既然支持cookie,那你需要的大概是设置`session.cookie_lifetime`这个参数,默认它是0,也就是“到浏览器关闭为止”,这就是为什么一关浏览器再打开就没了。 简单的做法是,跟Session中设置`session.gc_maxlifetime`一样,多加一句`ini_set("session.cookie_lifetime", $lifetime);`,将此参数也设为同样的值。 具体的说明,可以参考[官方文档](https://www.php.net/manual/en/session.configuration.php#ini.session.cookie-lifetime)

Yes, you are right. It's just a possibility now. I'll provide more detailed feedback while encountering real problems. What would you do with CI's minor version upgrading, which may add...

@mnovotny I encountered the same situation as you, and found the answer. Maybe the same method can help you too. I got the initial answer from [here](https://github.com/browserify/browserify/issues/1397) For you, I...