
Results 1146 comments of ti-chi-bot[bot]

[APPROVALNOTIFIER] This PR is **APPROVED** This pull-request has been approved by: *AilinKid*, *elsa0520* The full list of commands accepted by this bot can be found [here](https://prow.tidb.net/command-help?repo=pingcap%2Ftidb). The pull request process...

[LGTM Timeline notifier] --- Timeline: - `2024-04-30 06:53:41.505572301 +0000 UTC m=+340175.262707872`: :ballot_box_with_check: agreed by [elsa0520](https://github.com/elsa0520). - `2024-04-30 08:39:48.397003979 +0000 UTC m=+346542.154139553`: :ballot_box_with_check: agreed by [AilinKid](https://github.com/AilinKid).

Hi @dependabot[bot]. Thanks for your PR. I'm waiting for a [tikv](https://github.com/orgs/tikv/people) member to verify that this patch is reasonable to test. If it is, they should reply with `/ok-to-test` on...

[APPROVALNOTIFIER] This PR is **NOT APPROVED** This pull-request has been approved by: **Once this PR has been reviewed and has the lgtm label**, please assign [qiancai](https://github.com/qiancai) for approval. For more...

[REVIEW NOTIFICATION] This pull request has not been approved. To complete the [pull request process](https://book.prow.tidb.net/#/en/workflows/pr), please ask the reviewers in the [list](https://prow.tidb.net/tichi/repos/tikv/pd/pulls/8094/owners) to review by filling `/cc @reviewer` in the...

Skipping CI for Draft Pull Request. If you want CI signal for your change, please convert it to an actual PR. You can still manually trigger a test run with...