Chi Thu Le
Chi Thu Le
I installed pytest_commander and run it, it reported importerror: cannot import name soft_unicode from markupsafe The solution I found is to uninstall the default markupsafe and reinstall the older version....
D:\home\projects\pyMSAA>python Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 5, in import msaa File "D:\home\projects\pyMSAA\", line 260 yield yield Element(self.IAccessible, objAccChild.value) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
What is the best approval to use simple-salesforce for process approvals ? simple-salesforce uses 'https://{instance}/services/data/v{sf_version}/sobjects' but the process approvals uses 'https://{instance}/services/data/v{sf_version}/process/approvals/ Please see the REST API Developer Guide documentation
This patch fixed the command line 'pyresttest' in the scripts folder for MS Windows OS. I also tested on my MAC OSx and it should work as before for Linux.
Is there an example in python how to start an windows desktop application (such at notepad or regedit) and perform some basic actions ? I saw this [wiki page]( but...
One of the useful plugin is puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth. It let you do test automation and web scraping without getting blocked. You can verify the blocking with this web page.