Results 10 issues of 1232

### Is there an existing issue for this? - [X] I have searched the existing issues and checked the recent builds/commits ### What happened? Something went wrong Expecting value: line...


dual_quaternion_py.cc C:\Users\zheng\anaconda3\envs\myOpen3d\lib\site-packages\pybind11\include\pybind11\eigen/matrix.h(1): warning C4819: 该文件包含不能在当前代码页(936)中表示的字符。请将该文件保存为 Unicode 格式以防止数据丢失 dq3d/dual_quaternion_py.cc(93): error C2017: 非法的转义序列 dq3d/dual_quaternion_py.cc(93): error C2001: 常量中有换行符 dq3d/dual_quaternion_py.cc(97): error C2143: 语法错误: 缺少“;”(在“}”的前面) error: command 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.29.30133\\bin\\HostX86\\x64\\cl.exe' failed with exit...

PS D:\pentu> & C:/Users/user/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe d:/pentu/opencv_contrib/modules/surface_matching/samples/ppf_load_match.py Loading model... Training... Loading scene... Matching... Traceback (most recent call last): File "d:\pentu\opencv_contrib\modules\surface_matching\samples\ppf_load_match.py", line 23, in results = detector.match(pcTest, 1.0/40.0, 0.05) cv2.error: Unknown C++ exception...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/40953310/236424712-c061ee6d-5527-40f5-b549-e68e1d234a35.png) like this!!!


![image](https://github.com/anuragxel/salt/assets/40953310/3012d1e9-128a-4283-a7f1-4198ed03e5e2) When you add it, you get this extra piece. How to solve

[] vit_b model already exists as 'vit_b.pth'. Skipping download. Traceback (most recent call last): File "e:/AIGC/segment-anything-video/test", line 17, in SahiAutoSegmentation().predict( File "e:\AIGC\segment-anything-video\metaseg\sahi_predict.py", line 87, in predict if type(input_box[0]) == list:...

good first issue

sahi_predict is used to predict what the SahiAutoSegmentation is. input_box in predict is []?


RUNTIME ERROR Validation error Successfully connected to but it doesn't look like a valid ML backend. Reason: 500 Server Error: INTERNAL SERVER ERROR for url: Check the ML...