Avoiding the auto in the tap indeed also helps. In an attempt to learn, I'll toy around to see if I can come up with a pr that allows auto..
So I walked into this one as well... Any ideas on a direction for a fix? Or an okay-ish work around?
Have you tried adding a coordination to your merge-operator? From the info you give I think that might be it. (I didn’t test your code samples btw.. just chipping in)...
I have the same issue on ubuntu 18.04 using melodic...
Just bumped into this as well using gz-garden, no ros, just running a gz::server, but simply setting the pose with a wrong quaternion, the following gives me a crash: ```cpp...
so I also changed the viewpoint in the header to match the 'proper one' (`VIEWPOINT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0`) *but* then the aircraft is properly aligned and...
FYI currently I simply hack it like this: ```cpp void copy_scan_to_cloud(ouster_ros::Cloud& cloud, const ouster::LidarScan& ls, std::chrono::nanoseconds scan_ts, const PointT& points, const ouster::img_t& range, const ouster::img_t& reflectivity, const ouster::img_t& near_ir, const...
for the record, this approach does not work anymore with the destaggered version.
@Samahu I tried applying the same approach to the new method briefly, but for some reason it gave me weird results (it would run, but the pointcloud would be empty...