Thor Johnson

Results 5 comments of Thor Johnson

@mvanbeusekom trying that... I think this is correct for BLE; I'll post an update when I get back to the iPhone: ``` # Uncomment this line to define a global...

It reliably asks for the "Use Bluetooth Connection," but it just quits with Permission.bluetoothConnect.request returning PermanentlyDenied... My Code ``` //Ask for runtime permissions if necessary. var status = await Permission.bluetooth.request();...

At one point it said "you can ask for multiple permissions at the same time" -- how do you do that when it's Permission.XXX.request -- Permission.(Bluetooth | Connection | Location).Request?

Oh, and can I do this as part of initstate? It seems odd to put it someplace else..

A-ha! I'm getting PermanentlyDenied on things that "aren't in iOS"-- Can we have things that aren't necessary in one platform or another return "granted" or "not used" or something? eg,...