
Results 21 issues of thorlucas

So I ran ``` python3 --passwordlist ~/Desktop/pwlist.txt --wallet ~/Desktop/multibit.wallet ``` and I was able to successfully find the correct password. But how do I actually dump the decrypted contents...

**What problem does this solve or what need does it fill?** In games, tiles often need to store extra data. For example, in Minecraft, blocks have block states and block...

help wanted
good first issue

**Bevy Tilemap version** 0.4.0 **What you did** In Bevy 0.5, the following pattern should work: ```rust pub fn chunk_event_handler(mut reader: EventReader) { for event in reader.iter() { match event {...


Why is there no way to just do `Basis3::::identity()`?


The example from the doc doesn't work: ```lua cfg.register({ q = { name = "LSP", b = { function() print("bar") end, "Foobar" } -- you can also pass functions! },...

## Problem I'd like to get the cursor position in a paragraph widget with wrapping enabled. This is non trivial to calculate without basically rewriting the wrapping code. More generally,...


## 💡 Feature description I'd like a way to hook into `wasm-pack build` to include additional files in the final `pkg`. #### 💻 Basic example I'm currently using `ts-rs` to...

**Describe the bug** Not a *bug* per se, however the version of MathJax used when `--mathjax` is specified is quite out of date. Echoing `window.MathJax.version` in the console yields `2.7.5`,...

Here's my setup: ```json // tsconfig.json { "extends": "./tsconfig.paths.json", "compilerOptions": { "target": "es5", "lib": [ "dom", "dom.iterable", "esnext" ], "allowJs": true, "skipLibCheck": true, "esModuleInterop": true, "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, "strict": true, "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames":...

Great library! Will come in handy for a game I'm working on, where I'd like to write some of the data manipulation in Rust. However: Provisions for GDNative singletons are...

help wanted