Thong Vo

Results 3 comments of Thong Vo

> model name description model size download Update Date > ch Chinese and English 3.71M [inference model]( / [trained model]( 2020.9.22 > ch_tra chinese traditional 5.63M [inference model]( / [trained...

> When you get to the point where you need to compile your TFLITE model for EDGE TPU, you can use my Colab to perform this task: > >

> TikTok changed the name and format of the tt_webid value to ttwid in cookies replaced in the file TikTokAPI/ line 28 'Cookie': 'tt_webid_v2={}; tt_webid={}'.format(self.tt_webid, self.tt_webid) to 'Cookie': 'ttwid={}'.format(self.tt_webi That's...