Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
In some scenarios the firmware returns the downlink after CMSGHEX is done and the current code will ignore that. It also returns it with the +MSG: prefix which seems to...
Beep the WIO terminal for interesting Lorawan events. Not enabled for RFM95 as I am not able to test and delay calls may affect MCCI library timings.
The default Distance graph was 55km max which made the near gateways a little harder to read. Change the default to 1km and automatically scale it up if needed.
The downlink is often one sequence behind latest tx packet (same as #68). Always show the downlink status line and just color it red if its an older entry than...
Fix several places where GPS routines are still referenced when it is disabled in config.
``` php public function save($data, $id, $tags = array(), $specificLifetime = false) { if (!$this->_redis) return false; $lifetime = $this->getLifetime($specificLifetime); if (!$tags || !count($tags)) $tags = array(''); if (is_string($tags)) $tags...