Thomas Czogalik
Thomas Czogalik
- [x] Replace Sqlite with [Room]( - [ ] Write migration to migrate old db into new
User should be able to edit his measurment besides deleting it. Only Rating, note, category
The user should be able to choose from all parameters which he wants to be drawn in the History Activity
User should be able to set color of hrv parameters in settings. The Parameters should be drawn into the charts with tgis choosen color
Evaluate and change the types of diagrams in the history activity and overview fragment
If [Microsoft Health]( is not installed and the user wants to connect his MS Band notify him and guide him to the app in the play store: - detect if...
If [Ant+ Plugin Service]( is not installed and the user wants to connect his Ant+ device notify him and guide him to the app in the play store: - detect...
Create Settings page with: **Measurement** - [x] set measure time - [o] Abtastfrequenz nach Interpolation. (Algemein Usern nicht zu viele Parameter zum einstellen geben da sonst Daten nicht vergleichbar sind....
After adding #28 some of the setting should be available in the tutorial for the user to set, like measure time or connect your device
- [ ] Remove Device Button - [ ] add Dialog asking user which device should be connected