Hello, I try to display some HLS-streams on my TV (e.g. this webcam: Is it possible to use the gerbera transcoding (calling the m3u8-playlist in ffmpeg and output to...
Hello, I'm not a developer, maybe someone could help me. I transfer some HLS-streams from the Internet to my Smart-TV via xupnpd2 media-server (installed on the router). I try to...
Hello, I'm not a developer, maybe someone could help me. I transfer some HLS-streams from the Internet to my Smart-TV via xupnpd2 media-server (installed on the router). I try to...
Hello, is it possible to proxy this RTSP-over-Websocket webcam H.264 stream: to RTMP. I try to display this stream on my TV using xupnpd2/xupnpd-live mediaserver. ffmpeg should receive the...
Hallo, ich bin Hobby-Heimatforscher und habe alte Ortspläne in der Region meiner Vorfahren mit JOSM erfasst. Nun möchte ich mit Mapnik (openstreetmap-carto-de-Stil oder openstreetmap-carto-Stil) rendern. Wie muss ich das CartoCSS...