Thomas Mulvaney

Results 6 comments of Thomas Mulvaney

Hash URLs are used as a way of faking a page change. Now days with modern browsers supporting HTML5 push state this hack is no longer required. Pushy wraps up...

@ieure We will think about supporting this. For the apps we have written, we have not needed this kind of hash bang routing. The point you make about dumb servers...

The tests didn't even run at all on Travis although it confusing says it passed. I suggest you take a look at errors from the build. You'll also need to...

Overall I like the approach. My only issue so far is that the `new-history` has lost its 0-arity version. I like that path-prefix is passed in via the options map....

As mentioned earlier, the approach looks good but **needs tests**. Travis has green lighted, but the CLJS failed to build:

Depending on MLST scheme, you might need to specify the delimiter with `-mlst_delimiter`. For example I had to use `-mlst_delimiter '_'` for S. pneumoniae. That seemed to fix the issue...