Thomas Kane

Results 7 comments of Thomas Kane

I had to change line 28 in `ForgetCachedPermissions.php` to this because it wasn't finding the Nova resource for permissions: `$permissionKey = (Nova::resourceForModel(app(PermissionRegistrar::class)->getPermissionClass())) ? Nova::resourceForModel(app(PermissionRegistrar::class)->getPermissionClass())::uriKey() : 'permissions';` Alternatively, you can remove...

For anyone interested, I changed line 18 to this and got the build to complete successfully: `python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel && pip install -r requirements.txt` Which...

So we just check the notification_type and the target_id and the send time right? What is a good buffer time range for predicting duplicates? Same hour?

Do you think this should happen at creation or send?

Couldn't this be as simple as change `create` to `firstOrCreate` on line #50 in the ScheduledNotification wrapper? @atymic

@atymic - will you remind me why not with anon notifications?

Hello @samuelmanzer - were you able to find anything out about this? It seems to be references in several policies.