Add ONNX model support as a "convertor" between different unsupported models. The ONNX model support should be added as a core_module under the test engine.
Support adding models through APIs, enable the connection of larger / non-native models. Remote model needs to expose prediction / inference capabilities via the API. Support Open AI standards,
Build a data explorer that allows users to select which records they want to test, e.g., test local explainability on a given record, and compare results between records.
Image embedding in report to support dynamic names. Current Behaviour: The report will only pull in images based on fixed names, e.g. "1.png". Target Behaviour: The report will pull in...
Build new plugins for data cards for the test data to enable calculation and exploration of metrics relating to the dataset.
Enable a unique instance of the algorithm to be run from a single widget. User Story: As a widget designer, I want my widget to run a unique instance of...
- Extend single plugin to support all model types (e.g. classification / regression) - Allow different widgets from the same plugin to rely only on part(s) of an algorithm