leaflet.boatmarker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
leaflet.boatmarker copied to clipboard

⛵️ A leaflet boat marker using HTML Canvas

⛵️ Leaflet.BoatMarker npm version

A leaflet boat marker using HTML Canvas. Checkout the Demo.

Can be used to symbolize sailboats/sailyachts or motorboats/motoryachts with optional wind information.


  • Include the script directly
<script src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet.boatmarker/leaflet.boatmarker.min.js"></script>
  • Use in a build script via npm
npm i leaflet.boatmarker --save


var boatMarker = L.boatMarker(map.getCenter(), {
  	color: "#f1c40f", 	// color of the boat
	idleCircle: false	// if set to true, the icon will draw a circle if
						// boatspeed == 0 and the ship-shape if speed > 0

Sets the current heading of the boat to an angle value between 0 and 360 degrees.

setHeadingWind(heading, windspeed, winddirection)

Sets the current heading of the boat to an angle value between 0 and 360 degrees, the current wind direction to an angle value between 0 and 360 degress and the wind speed (in knots) following this weather wind arrow specification http://www.wetterklima.de/segeln/windpfeile/bf.htm

boatMarker.setHeadingWind(60, 4.5, 20);

Set the current speed of the boat to a value > 0
