Thomas Shields
Thomas Shields
Has there been any further work on this?
Bummer. I'd love to help out, but I don't think I'm familiar enough with annoy yet (or frankly competent enough with C++) to spearhead anything. If anyone starts working on...
Actually, I take it back. It looks like a pretty simple change. If I understand it properly, it's line 496 of `annoylib.h`: _roots.push_back(_make_tree(indices)); That can get parallelized, but with a...
@tjrileywisc what a coincidence! I also started working on this over the weekend. Mine also doesn't quite work... but I've pushed a copy to my fork: I hope to...
@tjrileywisc ahh, I wanted to use that but got thrown off by the build not supporting my `#include ` by default. I didn't want to fiddle with build settings.
@nathanmarz @sritchie not sure if anyone cares about maintaining this, but if so this pull request brings it up to date with the newest version of storm.