Thomas Louvigné

Results 27 comments of Thomas Louvigné

Is it possible to remap it with Tab & Shift-Tab on all .org file ?

I think i got the same problem : Pipewire - Compiled with libpipewire 0.3.56 - Linked with libpipewire 0.3.56 Desktop : Manjaro (updated) KDE Pipewire Version: 0.3.56 NoiseTorch-ng Version v0.12.2...

I still have the problem... Conf : CPU~Quad core Intel Core i7 930 (-HT-MCP-) speed/max~1600/2801 MHz Kernel~4.7.0-1-ARCH x86_64 Up~3:52 Mem~2563.8/7978.4MB Procs~205 Client~Shell inxi~2.3.0

Add in the fork :

hi, do you find a solution ? Should we create a PR ? With option in the conf file ?

Accepted there :

We can't see your image :/ But it work perfectly at home ! (i am on zsh) ![2018-02-28-111608_3600x1080_scrot](