Hello, I am a beginner in Elixir/Phoenix and I am having a look at your project for learning purposes. I want to create/migrate the database but I have an error:...
We have these errors happening only occasionally and I'm not able to reproduce these errors. 1. Is it possible to retry only when errors are network errors: ? 2....
I have a rather simple question, why does this library starts an application? Maybe it'd be nice to explain briefly in the docs. I see that the library makes the...
Today I started to have the following message when running `npm test`: > MISSING DEP Can not find dependency 'jsdom' > × Do you want to install jsdom? ... Using...
The docs say: > Install dependencies with mix deps.get > Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup > Install Node.js dependencies with npm install --prefix assets > Start Phoenix...
Say I have a query document like so: ``` const query = gql` { user(id: 5) { ...User_user } } ${userFragment} ` ``` How do I get now the string...
Hi, I have some questions about this library if you don't mind: 1. If I'm correct, you keep the word list in memory managed by a process - the included...