Hi, this would certainly help. Is there no way to use a manual on/off command to display not-available message. … I was browsing github ;-) … since I'm curious re...
We need some shortcut for this, I fully agree – this was a major feature
@BobbyBeeblebrox had to go thru it while updating to 21.10, Thanks for the recipe.
to chime in here. I'm on MX Linux 19 (Debian). I set alias ` alias fd=fdfind` in bashrc. fd works fine in the cli but not with ulauncher.
hmm, I had it working on Ubuntu 18.04. Then it stopped all of a sudden. I got `fd` and it works on the CLI but for some reason stopped working...
it doesn't find anything, shows 'loading'
`fd` yes, `fdfind` I don't have
this works
I did that before
you mean `sudo ln -s /usr/bin/fdfind /usr/bin/fd`