Thomas Grützmacher
Thomas Grützmacher
Sorry for not seeing this earlier. My problem with option 2 is that it might not be clear that `factorization::ParIlu` can be used as a preconditioner. I would definitively want...
Currently, I require the incomplete LU factors to generate the ISAI (input of ISAI is currently a combination of L and U which then get inverted). It is not fully...
I will definitively take care of the `move_to_XXX` replacements, but for the others, we should discuss what is necessary. I can also take care of the `COO::transpose`, it should also...
`transpose` in general is easy, I don't even have to implement any kernels (since I just swap the col and row index arrays). Additionally, I think we should also implement...
That is true, I removed the dependency to the Release. We also said previously that we do not require the OpenMP kernels since we have the reference version.
I did not quite follow the whole Issue (and have probably the least amount of knowledge about Eigensolvers from all of us), but from what I understand, this Issue was...
Do you only want to generate the Eigenvectors, or also the Eigenvalues? If you don't need any return value, then my approach does not work since I wanted to return...
I definitively agree that it should not be a `solver` since `apply` does not fit here. Since you said that the `Combination` structure (`c1 * op1 + c2 * op2...
Currently, you are dependent on both the strategy of the matrix (for the solve) and the algorithm enum (for the generate). Is there a reason why you did not make...