If you are using managed identity, you can get the object id of that using following command az aks show -n -g | jq .identityProfile.kubeletidentity.objectId -r And you can set...
This is a much needed feature. Not supporting to to new terraform versions make this useful tool useless
Much needed feature
@crazy-max pls find the buildkit logs. ``` /usr/local/bin/docker logs buildx_buildkit_builder-79ccf795-fa[4]([5]( time="2023-10-2[6]([7](" level=info msg="auto snapshotter: using overlayfs" time="2023-10-26T03:17:49Z" level=warning msg="using host network as the default" time="2023-10-26T03:17:49Z" level=info msg="found worker \"27ccu4[8]([9](\", labels=map[org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.executor:oci...