Kevin Wang

Results 25 comments of Kevin Wang

## Missing cookies? @cornwe19 I have a hunch why `await Auth.getCurrentAuthenticatedUser()` could be failing — you might be missing cognito cookies ### Verify with: ```diff export const getServerSideProps = async...

Looks like a workaround is to not use the fluent api (method chaining) ```diff - return res - .status(200) - .setHeader("Content-Type", "text/javascript") - .send(gaResponseText); + res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/javascript"); + return res.status(200).send(gaResponseText);...

Hey @nox thanks for responding! I hope I'm doing this "roundtrip test" correctly: - encoding `NaiveDateTime` to `String` works ✅ - encoding `str` to `NaiveDateTime` does not work ❌ ###...

That would be awesome. I'm using, which uses `serde_urlencoded` internally

Hey @jpdriver, awesome! I can test this out in my next chunk of free time and get back to you And for my context, was that replacement -

@jpdriver Re: original issue, I was able to work around using [npm overrides]( ### "react-live": "^2.3.0" `package.json` ```json ... "overrides": { "react-simple-code-editor": { "react": "17.0.2", "react-dom": "17.0.2" } } }...

@jpdriver, some more general feedback on `3.0.0-rc1` - Ctrl + z behavior seems to have regressed from the previous implementation, which used `` - _something_ changed around how `font-family` was...

For me, it seems to be 100% of requests, when running in Docker ```bash curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/generate' \ --header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \ --data-raw 'graph LR A-->B B-->C C-->D...

Hey @7iomka no progress on this one just yet. But I can certainly prioritize this!

This still seems to be an issue after Still need to find a reliable repro.