Aaron Straup Cope
Aaron Straup Cope
Update export/validation tools accordingly.
This appears to be a variation on issue #9 meaning it's a type mismatch being triggered in `postal/utils/enum.py` but I am hoping you can provide some input on how to...
Is the EMR dedupe geojson job missing options? I am seeing the following errors when trying to run lieu (`f55fe8bf232525679baac4c3db1387cb37d16e14`) in EMR: ``` No handlers could be found for logger...
Processing venues from California. It appears to be phone-number related? All of the phone numbers are encoded as strings but maybe this is an empty string? ``` dedupe_geojson -o ./ca-ca...
Passing this along, FYI. These two venues were in the same set of candidates to dedupe but `lieu` didn't seem to pick up on them. ``` Isamu Noguchi Museum And...
Basically move the logic in `leaflet-iiif.js` in to a standard `net/http` handler and hide all the IIIF stuff from consumers. https://github.com/mejackreed/Leaflet-IIIF/blob/master/leaflet-iiif.js
Replace: github.com/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-aws With: github.com/aaronland/go-aws-s3
https://iiif.io/api/image/3.0/change-log/ https://github.com/go-iiif/go-iiif/compare/level3
Also, add the following methods to generic application interface: * DefaultFlagSet(context.Context) (*flag.FlagSet, error) * Run(context.Context) error * RunWithFlagSet(context.Context, *flag.FlagSet) error