Aaron Straup Cope
Aaron Straup Cope
We did this mostly so that we could do this: https://github.com/whosonfirst/go-slackcat-writer (specifically so we could use it with io.MultiWriter for logging) Which could have been done without using slackcat or...
This PR tries to build on https://github.com/zvonicek/ImageSlideshow/pull/385 but rather than defining new presets allows for a consume of the `ImageSlideshow` package to define a custom `UIButton` to use for ending...
This PR passes along any default `preload` settings defined for the slideshow in the main view controller to the slideshow instantiated by the fullscreen view controller.
I recently had to fork `go-staticmaps` and change the default `TileProvider` struct in to an interface (and update things accordingly) in order to it with so-called "rasterzen" tiles: https://github.com/whosonfirst/go-rasterzen These...
* https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/managing-your-repositorys-settings-and-features/customizing-your-repository/about-citation-files Might be worth adding to all the `-data` repositories? If yes, I can automate that work. cc @nvkelso @stepps00
* https://spelunker.whosonfirst.org/id/1008068569/ * https://spelunker.whosonfirst.org/id/1008068573/ * https://spelunker.whosonfirst.org/id/1008068575/
Basically all of them, it seems.