Aaron Straup Cope
Aaron Straup Cope
See also: https://github.com/libvips/libvips/pull/2483/files
Question: Do you think that the "blob" abstraction layer in the `go-cloud` package would allow you to accomplish the same thing? https://blog.golang.org/gcdk-whats-new-in-march-2019 https://godoc.org/gocloud.dev/blob/fileblob
Okay, that's good to know. I have been eye-ing the `go-cloud` stuff for a while so this may be a good way to test and "kick the tires" on things....
Still no ETA yet but: https://github.com/go-iiif/go-iiif/issues/56
Thanks for this. I'll have a look at things more closely, soon.
`Maybe option to add "filters" ` Can you expand on this?
Related: https://github.com/mejackreed/Leaflet-IIIF/pull/77
Blocked on https://github.com/go-iiif/go-iiif/issues/71 or put another way: Use this issue to solve that issue.
Ongoing in: https://github.com/go-iiif/go-iiif/tree/service-pigo Currently blocked on incorrect results.
`go-iiif` has baked in support for primitive as a "quality" filter: https://github.com/thisisaaronland/go-iiif#primitive-ing