Aaron Straup Cope
Aaron Straup Cope
@azaroth42 If a place is "visiting" Null Island that means we lack coordinate information for that place (hence `0.0, 0.0`). This was mostly to accommodate postal code and airport records...
All 6-character postal codes in Canada are derived from their parent forward-sorting area (FSA) because only the FSA data is published under an open license (yay Stats Can!) The 6-character...
If you are Canadian you could lobby your MP to force Canada Post to release the data under a sane license as a public good. There is a crowdsourced dataset,...
Yes (it should be a self-reference).
This smells like a blog post.
The spec says: > The complementary bounding box for the same latitude band, not crossing the antimeridian, is... But I am not clear how/where the "complimentary" bounding box is stored....
Okay, I guess we should add a `geometry` sub-package to `go-whosonfirst-export` to handle this stuff and invoke it here: https://github.com/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-export/blob/main/export.go#L107 It's logic that will need to be ported to Python...
See also: https://github.com/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-edtf#find-invalid ``` > ./bin/find-invalid -include-path=false /usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-admin-us | sort | uniq edtf:cessation,open edtf:cessation,uuuu edtf:deprecated, edtf:deprecated,2017/02/21 edtf:inception,uuuu ```
That's good to know. I can update the "prepare" tool accordingly. Are there any other similar rules / gotchas to be aware of or account for?
Specifically the (WOF) data is prepared for `lieu` using this: https://github.com/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-lieu/blob/master/cmd/lieu-prepare-wof.go