Aaron Straup Cope

Results 108 comments of Aaron Straup Cope

Investigate: https://github.com/hkulekci/ascii-folding

Only if @stepps00 promises to write a blog post about this work :D :D :D

@questionablequestion Records in Who's On First are never deleted. Rather if a record is considered invalid or incorrect (or otherwise "bunk") it is marked as deprecated. Specifically it is assigned...

@questionablequestion WOF does not import any OSM data due to the former's licensing restrictions. In software licensing terms OSM is akin to the GPL and WOF is like the MIT...

@nvkelso Can you flesh out a placetype definition for `nation` akin to this: https://github.com/whosonfirst/whosonfirst-placetypes/blob/master/placetypes/country.json

For The Mall? Yes, I think so.

To do: Deprecate various "Smithsonian Institution" records where applicable: https://spelunker.whosonfirst.org/search/?q=Smithsonian

@watkinsm You said: > I noticed in the placetypes graph (https://github.com/whosonfirst/whosonfirst-placetypes) that country is "common" while dependency is "common_optional". The classifications (common, common_optional, etc.) for placetypes are an attempt to...

The rules for `wof:name` are only that: * There is a _default_ language for names across the entire corpus. Today it is English but in the future it could be...

The `name:` properties are expected to be full Unicode so anything goes, so to speak. The 7-bit ASCII rule is only for `wof:name` properties.