
Results 60 issues of tcme

Will butternut get minifier options that can be optouted? i.e. preserve comments, preserve newlines and so on

please create a mixer example that loads an abstraction containing [adc ] panorama, level, mute, solo and an extened version with an fx bus system.

It would be great to have an option to create exactly the same binary for deterministic builds.

I just got bitten by that this library needs treeshake disabled Rollup seems to treeshake too much away, is this a rollup bug? The commit where treeshaking was disabled...


In e4f0d4e7 the receive view was split into BitBox01 and BitBox02 components so that the BitBox01 legacy version could remain as is. This introduced an issue that no receive view...

Many components contain inline SVG (in JSX), instead of using an external asset and link with image source. Having SVG in JSX is sometimes useful if some attributes change at...

also added global.d.ts to define qt and android globals.

I don't like the last commit, had to pass the dependency array to the hook otherwise the sdcard check runs only once on mount. @benma wdyt?

Eslint rule react/no-unused-prop-types found a few issues, but also false positives related to load decorator or custom store. This change removes unused props, but does not permanently add the rule...

After device has been connected, there is no need for bitbox02.tsx to route into `/` or `/account-summary` because `app.tsx` is already listening to device and accounts status changes, and routing...