Dave Burkholder
Dave Burkholder
I decided to go ahead and start with Ed25519 key support PR #74. The signing of the public keys will be more involved, as it'll likely require an `OpenSshCertificate` model....
Thanks! Glad for the contribution.
I stubbed by toes hard on this bug, and here it's been fixed for [8 months](https://github.com/sdispater/pendulum/commit/39842c1151f1d6777324edbb4fe88c9b6283c06a). Would be supremely grateful for a new release. :bowing_man:
> if we should migrate away from pendulum and back to python's own datetime... [arrow](https://github.com/arrow-py/arrow) might be worth a look. I've discovered that it's better maintained than pendulum and provides...
Could the database primary keys be UUID, or some other machine-specific unique value such as [snowflakeid](https://github.com/godruoyi/go-snowflake)? This would help make high-availability setups more achievable.
> SQL high-availability (multi-master) cluster should avoid this issue internally. :) Yes, PKs are indeed internal, and Multi Master is an internal detail. Designing the new database schema with HA...
I'm not advocating for UUID specifically; but rather a non-sequential value with uniqueness properties that make it suitable for generating values on multiple systems. I'd be well satisfied with snowflakeid,...
> I merged #1966 today which should fix this in the next release. Just dropping my to say that I applied that patch manually and it fixed the problem for...
I'm researching the possibility of an HA setup based on [pgEdge](https://github.com/pgEdge/spock), which, like logical replication, requires `REPLICA IDENTITY` set on replicated tables. > One thing to note is that many...