Simon Chiang

Results 27 issues of Simon Chiang (see comments) ``` require ‘rbconfig’ puts RbConfig::CONFIG[’target_os’] => “linux” ``` This is where the update needs to happen. ``` def match_platform?(*platforms) platforms.each do |platform| platform.to_s =~ /^(non_)?(.*)/ non =...

Config for how long to sleep.

It would be helpful if apps allowed middleware to have before/after hooks for a run: ``` def run synchronize do return self unless state == State::READY @state = State::RUN end...

## Signatures No problem to determine incorrect node signatures at the call, process, and process_block levels. The output should notify the node, and ideally the join causing the problem. Once...

Redirecting output for the server is tricky. # Basic Redirection Proposal - Redirect stdout and app log based on build, effectively creating 'runs' - Leave stderr to console, or to...


I've observed the following: ``` ./Projectfile shell centos /bin/ksh ln -sf /bin/ksh /bin/sh ./test/pass # . # # ./test/pass[8]: .: line 269: 0.092 - 0.041: arithmetic syntax error ``` The...

This is super-useful as a debugging tool. I've really enjoyed having it and miss it when it's gone. Current problems making this a work-in-progress: - The exit status of the...

Might also add an ENV variable to turn that behavior off.

The result of which is that if you kill the process group within a test then you kill ts itself. This is hard to avoid because (AFAIK) setting the process...

Probably need to think about this more, but if you start background jobs then they will hang without something like this: ``` jobs -p | xargs kill ``` Bonus points...