the Hydrogen gui does not scale ... at all ... i'm afraid almost all buttons and graphics are bitmaps and these dont scale, so i'm afraid that it is very...
have you tried tabbed mode ? tools > preferences > appearance > default interface layout > tabbed mode (restart hydrogen after you change this setting) this was made for small...
the current development code is QT5 based, feel free to try it and let us know how it worked out for you
OMG !!! This is a killer feature for live performance ! I have been thinking about ways to make live performance more 'musical' (see #266 ) but this idea is...
ok, this seriously rocks ! you can indeed debate about the naming of the controls, but the general idea works actually seeing the yellow/red/green areas in real time would be...
some remarks/findings : - if you modify the velocity of a note, the color of the note (and the color of the 'velocity bar') fades to gray. This is normal...
hi @elpescado ! i finally found the time to upgrade to the latest H2 code (from the main repo) and now i really want to start playing around with the...
Hmmm... Why is a part of this feature in the main branch (the probability 'bars') ? This feature is not usable without the main propability control (in the mixer) right?...
great stuff ! just locally merged your code into master and i have the controls back :-) I did notice 1 bug : When you add a note the probability...
Hi @elpescado Shoud i create a bug ticket? Feels a bit weird to keep adding notes to this branch