Thies Möller

Results 203 comments of Thies Möller

The feature you are looking for is: This allows to delay the transmission of the video data in a camera and thus avoid collisions. But: You have to restructure...

have you checked with : for better readability, please edit your issue and remove the single ticks ( these are only for one-line code ) and replace by `...

In your issue description and code you mix * IEEE1588 * Action command * Hardwaretrigger What trigger do you really use? Or do you want to have free running cameras...

do you use a separate python script to trigger the cameras via action command? When * both cameras are set to use actionsignal as trigger * _no_ AcquisitionFrameRate is set...

check our documentation about shutter modes and flash window on rolling shutter imagers:

There are multiple documentation sources: The camera features are provided dynamically by the camera itself [ genicam interface ] So you have to lookup the docmentation on The syntax...

Do you expect more of a "book-style" documentation? The referenced index.html is the entry to the C++ API documentation on Linux. As pypylon is a python binding to our C++...

Thanks for the feedback. We'll check better ways to link pypylon users to pylon c++ docu. The HTML based documentation has a quite good integrated search. It is in the...

The timestamps on Basler cameras have a resolution around 10ns per tick. Even if you have two cameras with synchronized clocks and both are triggered from the same signal small...

Ups ;-) I meant StartGrabbing of course. So everything is right what you do, just keep trigger silent before all cameras are started If available on your camera also recommended...