Thies Möller

Results 203 comments of Thies Möller

some first thoughts from looking through your code ( only enabled proper code formatting in your comment ) a) threading: you access global data structures without locking between multiple threads!...

> But I saw the video writer imageio's "get_writer" also has FPS value. pypylon has no video writer support. What library you are referring to? An example to record video...

The RPi4 has two USB3 ports, but they share the same host controller. Thus you have to split the required bandwidth between the two cameras. It is important to inform...

Call it after open and before startgrabbing

Would recommend to first focus on required bandwidth of both cameras. And disable the display and conversion. So first get the correct configuration to get your two cameras over the...

have you installed the udev rules, as mentioned in the readme's last entry?

bug in current version should return this ....

You start the grabbing individually in first for loop but wait globally in while loop. You overwrite the grabResult with a different data type: `grabResult = converter.Convert(grabResult)` Please check our...

@zoldaten : please open a new ticket as #447 is about _using_ HW trigger....

They have to be set individually. Only start/stop/open/close/retrieveresult .. work globally