Thibaud Colas
Thibaud Colas
Linked from the README, likely on Heroku, ideally without an admin login –– or with a login, but with a daily auto-reset? What is the best practice? To investigate for...
... so it's easier to integrate into existing sites. Note that we likely won't get to 100% parity with Hallo – up to us to figure out how close this...
The error is quite cryptic: `Failed: cov_15u4dh72x3 is not defined`. This is only when code coverage is measured, so I imagine there is some interference between istanbul, the Babel transpilation...
This is just a matter of test setup. The problems are: - E2E tests fail when code coverage is recorded, so test coverage needs to exclude them - E2E tests...
Could be a good announcement blog post too!
At the moment the package comes with a pre-compiled bundle that can be integrated as a single `script` tag. This is problematic because some of Draftail still requires JS code...
So it's more consistent, and people can see the "real" running code