Thibaud Colas

Results 405 comments of Thibaud Colas

Hi Kalob, Thanks for taking the time to report this. That’s a good point, and indeed that’s a known limitation of the approach we took in this framework. Perhaps this...

@ChenCodes up/down arrows move the cursor as I would expect in my editor, as well as in the editor on Does that one work as you would expect? There...

This looks like the same issue as #1154 (since copy-paste uses `convertFromHTML` under the hood).

Same issue as #424 and #910 it seems.

Here are the real-world numbers with testing command (latest Webpack version), with and without gzipping. ```js // array-find.js require('array.prototype.find').shim(); ``` ```sh # array.prototype.find polyfill webpack -p array-find.js array-find.min.js && gzip...

🎉 let me know if there's anything that's not clear.

Sure, go for it 👍

It looks like a simple fix for this would be to allow uppercase letters in all attributes, by changing: to use the following `attr_name` instead of `tag_name` ```py attr_name_start_char...

I’ve ended up fixing this in [my fork]( in the way I describe above, along with other SVG-related parsing issues. Since this really is just parsing I think the parser...

Yep, can make a PR, although I’m not too hopeful about it getting merged. Here is the changed that fixed this: It’s not what this issue is about but...