I am in favour of enforcing parentheses for nullary predicates. Although I don't mind the other options. I think the relational algebra operators would all work the same way, just...
TODO: solve the problem assuming without `string_concat` first.
TODO: check expression for upper bound of max depth from page 111 of logic programming/databases. It may be a good enough estimate.
So it seems like we could use `predicateCount * numConstants^maxArity`. Although we should probably modify their expression to account for `string_concat`, even if we assume stratified strings. In particular, assuming...
Oh and this should only be computed on queries, not programs, due to ungrounded facts.
I thought that was a consequence of our (future) string stratification rules, but I have not actually read it so perhaps not. Is there any existing literature on stratification semantics...
> in practice it is might be too high to actually be able to explore a tree of that height Hmm yes this is quite likely. The expression will likely...
Would be pretty useful to diff proof trees as a regression test method. E.g. your CI/build system can print out tree diffs as a warning for any new commits. Not...
I just remembered there is this feature which will ensure it is always readable (by setting a section's background color to black regardless of the user's terminal color). But...
The `buildkit_frontend` library that we're using is also linux specific. However, this is because it uses an old version of `mio`. We could fork and rewrite it with the new...