Kiran Johns
Kiran Johns
Hi, Providing team collaboration on GraphQL is on our current roadmap. We have not started working on this yet, but we aim to release it sometime in the middle of...
Hi, quick update on the collection runner: we're waiting for a refactor to be finished for the collection runner to work at its best. We're focusing on completing the refactor...
Thanks for letting us know of this problem. We're currently in the process of solving this! We're working on implementing the ability to search and filter users, as well as...
hi @KyleOrth are you a logged-in user or are you using the app without an account? I reproduced this and found that this issue is only present for non-logged in...
Hi @praveenprem are you using Hoppscotch with an account?
Hi @sparrowsl Your feedback makes sense and we've been considering a different implementation. What do you think about the approach below? 1. Select a text and open Spotlight (Cmd/Control +...
Hi everyone, I apologize for the delay in responding. We launched the alpha version of the desktop app in November 2023, with the initial goal of achieving a stable release...
We do have this in our plans, the current priority is to get the desktop app out of alpha into a stable release, I'll respond back with a timeline once...