Tiffany Forkner
Tiffany Forkner
### Description and related issues [Mike Knoll did some work on this previously]( As part of his research, Knoll said that websockets are not secure so they should only be...
### Description and related issues Update the state Dashboard: 1. Remove intro/help text copy 2. Group APDs by Funding Source (i.e: MMIS, HITECH, etc.), if there are not APDs for...
### Description and related issues > 1. Currently, if you use a link for a page in the APD, if you are logged in, you are directly to that page...
### Description and related issues Add fields for lockedAt and lockedBy to the APD schema. Create constants for APD_EVENT_TYPE with `APD_LOCKED` and `APD_UNLOCKED`. **Locking** When a user calls the get...
Add the ability for a single user to lock an APD to prevent other users from editing it. ### This task is done when... - [ ] a user can...
### Description and related issues In order to build the MDBT table, we need to store the MBES line numbers for the different cost categories. These are based on the...
Make sure that all tables in the application have Storybook stories. Add [documentation using MDX]( to describe where the tables are getting their data, and the format it is expecting....
### Description and related issues We need an e2e test to check our doc functionality. Here is a write up for how to test it: It is not necessary...
### Description and related issues We need to start auditing changes made to an APD. Add [mongoose-patch-history]( to the APD model. This plugin tracks changes use json-patches, so it will...
### Description and related issues Check snyk for existing vulnerabilities, when they have remediations, update them to the secure version ### This task is done when? - [ ] all...