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[Feature] Handle users opening link to locked APD
Description and related issues
- Currently, if you use a link for a page in the APD, if you are logged in, you are directly to that page and if you are not logged in you must sign in first then you are directed.
- In this design, once you get to the page, I anticipate a gradual transition or immediate change to the page hidden by the modal. The call to action on the modal is to go to the dashboard.
I am not sure if it will be possible to temporarily display the APD with a modal over it. If it is not, immediately redirect them to the dashboard and put the modal up over it.
Mockups or link to Figma
Design ticket #4016 https://www.figma.com/file/hJpKHKU6fz5J0Z7fisSwa2/eAPD-MMIS-2022?node-id=4948%3A21306&t=DIsa46YJTEhYdXNE-1
Behind the scene changes
Frontend only
Acceptance criteria
- [ ] if a user attempts to open a locked APD using a link directly to the APD, they should be redirected to the dashboard and shown an error message
Testing criteria
Given | When | Then | Covered |
a link to an unlocked APD | a logged out user clicks it | the system takes them to the log in page and after successfully logging in, they are redirected to the APD (and locks it--completed another ticket) | |
a link to an unlocked APD | a logged in user clicks it | the system takes them to the APD (and locks it--completed in another ticket) | |
a link to a locked APD | a logged out user clicks it | the system takes them to the log in page and after successfully logging in, they are redirected to the dashboard and shown a locked message | |
a link to a locked APD | a logged in user clicks it | the system redirects them to the dashboard and shows them a locked message |