Results 10 comments of Nico Schieder

@yyyar Just found this issue and figured I can add another user to this list: We are using gobetween to provision LoadBalancers for KubeOne on environments that do not support...

Just want to bump this again, because using `controller-gen` is generating CRDs with `---` at the start of the file. Example Command ``` controller-gen crd:crdVersions=v1 \ rbac:roleName=addon-operator-manager \ paths="./..." \...

Hi @kerwindena, I am still thinking about the syntax for reverse dns, but this is already on my todo list

Hi Roman, as I am no longer with Hetzner Cloud and also don't use it anymore, I will archive this project at the next opportunity. Regards Nico On Fri, 12...

Hi @ptman, it is "planned", but as I do not work for Hetzner Cloud anymore I also use this module way less than before and currently I do have nearly...

Hi @patricks, the inventory is not installed as a module but referenced directly with `-i path/to/the/hcloud_inventory`. Make sure to have the `HCLOUD_TOKEN` environment variable set to the project token you...

Hi @simonpasquier , thanks for taking your time :) I understand the reasoning behind reporting a degraded state, but this should be reported as a separate condition. The reason for...

@dmesser Can you point me to any documentation for this? I could not find any hint about sub-scoping pull credentials in the global pull secret, but I didn't try it...

@dmesser Thank you very much! Didn't know this is possible. That's super useful, but not quite solving our case here. When we deploy multiple of these private stacks via automation,...

@dmesser Yes you are right, we had the same idea yesterday. @nb-ohad is looking into that now. It still requires a change to every single bundle throughout their stack, hardcoding...