Linus Lee

Results 16 issues of Linus Lee

I don't know yet how well Torus works with rendering inline SVG inside HTML documents, or how much extra work / code in min-gzipped bundle it'll cost to ship a...


## Language & CLI - [x] `std.{is, constantly}` for more fluent code, as in [Klisp]( - [x] `std.{exclude, separate}` to complement `std.filter` and enable more fluent code, as in [Klisp](


This is mostly subjective, but being compliant with the [CommonMark spec]( seems like a good way to ensure that Merlot behaves in a way people expect, and Markdown written in...


Modeled after [deno compile](, it would be cool to be able to "compile" an Ink project into a single executable. Deno achieves this by producing binary of the form: ```...


It would be nice to have a field for schools people attended and their birthday. **Alma mater**: Right now, I write these down in an unstructured way in `notes` as...


Currently, on `yarn dev`, on most modest environments the process gets shut down because we open too many network request or files at the same time, not sure which. `ENFILE...


Huggingface Transformers has a new cache format that looks like this: ``` $ ls ~/.cache/huggingface/hub/ /Users/thesephist/.cache/huggingface/hub/ ├── models--EleutherAI--gpt-j-6B │   ├── blobs │   │   ├── 22fabbdda08346a6dfb95b1782a4efb6f876f2c2 │   │   ├── 47ffebc226205cbdaf3d3047c0b7f64b67620deb │  ...


This is a high level tracking issue for optimizing how Ink runtime values (like `Val::Comp`, strings) are represented in memory. ## Numbers - Semantically, all Ink numbers are 64-bit floats....

idea is a Rust-based readline that would be really useful here. Repl should support at least: - multiline input - moving back/forwards with keyboard arrows and Ctrl+A/E emacs-style - up/down...


This is a tentative list of potential additions to the language I'm considering for the Schrift interpreter. This is not a blank check to add new features, and I'm only...
