BarTab 2.1b2 SeaMonkey 2.0.13 SeaMonkey 2.1b2 Windows 7, clean Profile (only BarTab installed) Unload options, Unload & Unload Other Tabs, are not working with SeaMonkey. --- An aside. BarTab is...
XXH3 output format, non-BSD style checksum lines (From reading other posts relating to XXH3), seems you want XXH3 to be "different", so I (am assuming) in that regard, if you...
xxhsum 0.8.2 outputs strange file path separator, & file hash results, on Windows a file, provided with a path, & that path uses Windows style back slashes, outputs strange file...
rfe: --strip-path such that relative paths are used, even when full(er) path is specified on command line rhash --strip-path -H c:/tmp/rhash/* would return something like: doc.txt new.txt testdir/file3.txt rather then...
-B different hashes use different sized inputs like --whirlpool & --snefru128/256 use 64 MB inputs & --sha512 uses 256 MB inputs? vs. 512 MB for most others (are they limited...