Petrus Theron

Results 108 issues of Petrus Theron

How can I inspect the request body? I looked in, and it seems like Request does not support the HTTP body.

My question is intended to be constructive criticism of the API which does not take `conn` or `db`, e.g. `(m/as-of! #inst "2020...")`. Without passing the connection or database as a...

help wanted

The HoRNDIS driver only seems to work on initial boot. When I plug in a Raspberry Pi Zero or Raspberry Pi 3B+, it shows up as a Ethernet gadget that...

I mainly compose through whistling and I've been meaning to make a little whistle detector that will jot down a melody for me so I can develop it further in...

When I use any code that tries to build anything from serialport package, I get the following error: ``` error: linking with `arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-with-link-search` failed: exit code: 1 | = note:...

Hi @dlecan, thanks for this! I'm struggling to get a nightly version of this going. I forked your Docker image, ran `rustup toolchain install nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu`, which succeeded. But when I...

Just curious about the use of `swap!` on this line,, where you have ``` (swap! max-id #(.-id msg)) ```  in case there is concurrency I'm not aware of. Wouldn't...

Trying to use superv.async in my ClojureScript project, but `(go-try S ...)` throws a ClassCastException at compile time: ``` (ns myproject.async-test (:require [cljs.test :as t :refer (deftest testing is async)]...

Including standard Bootstrap LESS source files with bootstrap.less as a starting point, the following error is thrown by `link-to-asset`: ``` V8 error: ERROR:null:null:-1: undefined TYPE: Syntax INDEX: undefined EXTRACT: ,,@import...

I want to use Stefon to serve up publicly linked to, compiled CoffeeScript files. However, this requires a static URL e.g. `/resources/my-script.js?v=1234`. Would it take to let `(link-to-asset ...)` output...